Friday, June 7, 2019

Up-dating a Bogey to FBX Animation

You should know how to use Snap in Blender (right shift +S).

The old animation used Lattice, FBX has to use Empty, THAY LOOK THE SAME but Trainz knows witch is witch.

I start with the old Lattice on there own Layer, do not un-link them.

Select b.r.base (the one that dose not move when animation runs) and Snap the Cursor to it, then  Add a new Empty, I make it bigger, it will be at the same place as the old one, give it a

Do the same with the other Lattices. It should look this.

You can now delete the old ones.

Next add new wheels, select  one of the wheel Empty and Snap the Cursor to it then select the new wheel mesh and us Snap Selected to Cursor.

Now duplicate the wheel mesh and do the same to the other wheel, note the second mesh will have the same UVmap and textures as the first.

Do the linking same as before and animate as before.

New for Blender FBX is Select all and do an Apply Scale and Ration.

On a 4 wheel bogey you may not need to do the last step but for 6 wheeler you must, found that out after a lot of testing of bogey with 6 wheels not working in game, some wheel sets wrong size and wheels rotating around the wrong point.

Export next, then put into CM and Submit. Now Open for Edit as you must change the name of the kin file to anim.kin, it will be your mesh name.kin.

Re-submit and do a test run. The one I was doing did not work, if this happens go back and un-link every thing, make new Empty's, give new names, re-link, re-do animation, and so on, this worked for me.

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